Our Quest for Clean Water

Moving into a new home is an exciting journey filled with unique challenges, especially when transitioning into an unfamiliar community. The prospect of customizing our new space filled my family and I with excitement, but we soon encountered unexpected hurdles, particularly concerning the water quality in our new environment.

Initially, we were overwhelmed by the numerous service offers we received, ranging from pest control to lawn care services and everywhere in between. However, the most persistent were the water filtration companies. We initially dismissed these offers, having never heard of or needed such systems before and were unfamiliar with the concept, especially as newcomers to Texas, where the sales approaches varied from insistent to intrusive.

However, our perspective shifted dramatically when we started noticing problems with the water, such as cloudiness, a strong chlorine smell, and residue. The situation became dire when Matthew began experiencing skin irritations due to the water. This was the turning point that made us reconsider the necessity of a quality water filtration system.

The situation improved when we met Lance from Tetra Water. His approach, marked by empathy and sincerity, differed significantly from his predecessors. Motivated by our newfound understanding from Lance’s kindness, we reached out to the equipment manufacturer, Puronics, and asked them if they could provide a solution that could accommodate our needs especially for Matthew’s health.  

About a week later the owner of Tetra Water called us and let us know that they were teaming up with Puronics to install the best system for us, at no cost.

The installation of the Defender IGEN C and Micromax 8500 systems marked a significant improvement in our lives. This is truly something we never would have believed in and/or thought was a necessity, until now. The water became soft and revitalizing, leading to immediate improvements in our family’s skin health, especially for Matt.

This experience has been a revelation in understanding the importance of water quality and the profound impact it can have on health and well-being. Moreover, it highlighted the generosity and kindness of businesses like Tetra Water and Puronics, which went beyond mere transactions to make a meaningful difference in our lives.

A quote that resonates deeply with me is, “The true measure of a person’s character is reflected in their treatment of individuals who offer them no benefit.” This perspective is equally applicable to corporations, and it significantly highlights the integrity of Puronics and Tetra Water due to their altruistic support extended to our family.

While writing this I was thinking that I wish I had a way of showing the difference between our old water and the new filtered water, so what I did is I filled one glass with water from our “outside tap” and one from our neighbors “outside tap” since I know that they do not have any filtration setup yet. The image below is the difference. That alone is shocking to see:

Left Side – Before | Right Side – After

For those facing similar issues, we highly recommend exploring water filtration options and engaging with reputable companies. The change in our family’s life has been invaluable, and we are immensely grateful for the support and generosity of Puronics and Tetra Water. This journey was not just about adjusting to a new home but about discovering the importance of community support, compassion, and the unexpected ways in which help can manifest.